Sunday, January 25, 2015

Second Coming

In 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, Paul mentions the second coming of Jesus to the Thessalonians that has not taken place yet. He is mainly talking about that one day Jesus will return back to earth, but Paul reminds them that certain things could happen concerning nature. These letters were written to them to prepare them for this event. When Paul is telling them to prepare, he is telling them to build up the church and be at peace with one another. He also let’s them know that there are no signs of when exactly this could happen and neither does anyone know when He could return. Paul says that when Jesus returns, He will come to destroy the Anti-Christ and all of his works.

Even today we need to prepare for the second coming of Christ. Some things that we as Christians could do is build each other up and share the love of Christ. Why as Christians do we break each other apart? Even though we are corrupted with sin, we have been forgiven by Christ, therefore we should have hope. If you are a believer in Christ, there should be no doubt that you are going to heaven. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Bible Bloggin

Paul Confronts Peter

In Galatians, Paul confronts Peter because Peter has been keeping away from the circumcised Gentiles influencing the Jews in Antioch to do the same. When Paul realized what he was doing he said to him, "You are a Jew, but you live like one who is not. So why do you force Gentiles to follow jewish ways?" Paul is pretty much telling him that he is not suppose to stay away from the Gentiles but share the gospel with them.

Today's churches and Christians sometimes can do the same as Peter by keeping the Gospel to ourselves and not spreading it to the non-believers. It says specifically in the Bible that we are called to love others as you love yourself and without Christ there is no point to life. Because we are the Christians, we need to share Christ with everyone.

An example of this happening today would be having the problem of sharing the Gospel to people who might do things that makes you uncomfortable to be around. Sometimes it’s even hard to spread Christ’s love with the people who don’t respect you or are jerks to you. Instead of sharing the gospel with them, you just try to stay away from them.