Friday, April 24, 2015


To start off explaining who Jesus is, I would start off saying that He is the Son of God and is also God. Even though this is impossible to explain, Jesus wasn't some invincible god that flew around and struck people with lightning when he was mad. Jesus was a man who was perfect. Jesus was so perfect that he never told a lie or stole anything. Jesus was a man sent to this earth to die on a cross to forgive us for our sins. His purpose for us was to be our Savior and save us from our sinful lives and give us the opportunity to live in heaven with God. He was born from a virgin even though that seems impossible. Jesus was God but he still had to grow up as a normal human being. Through out his life he also preformed many miracles such as: healing, raising people from the dead, walking on water, raising himself from the dead, etc. To compare how powerful Jesus is to God is almost equal. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


If I was visiting a church and they happened to preach about something that I either disagreed with or have never heard before, I would question if what they said was true. Most likely if there was scripture backing it up, then I would be able to agree with them. Sometimes if there is something that is being taught at a church that people disagree with, they just leave the church. Personally I believe that the pastor should use the Bible when preaching.The way how I would respond to the pastor preaching on something I didn't agree with, I would probably find out if what he said follows scripture. Depending on what they said would determine if I would return to that church. 
There are essential parts you need to be a Christian. To be a Christian, I believe that you should believe in the trinity, that Jesus is God's son and the Savior, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. It is hard to determine if you have to believe in certain thing such as hell or satan. A lot of questions that aren’t answered in the Bible are almost impossible to find the answer to.

Monday, April 6, 2015


The book of James talks about the topic of being wealthy versus being poor. The way how I think of it is that it doesn't make a difference if you are rich or poor. Either wealthy or not wealthy it doesn't make a difference in how you can get exepted into Heaven. James talks about how being poor is better than being rich. I don't agree with him because it can go either way. It can be bad to be poor or rich. A lot of the time the poor wish they were wealthy just like the rich. They could also just complain about how poor they are. Sometimes they could even blame God as the reason that they are poor. But the rich aren't any better. The rich could be gready and just want more and more money. They could also believe that they are better than God because of how much money they have, or they could make money their idol over God. Even though being wealthy or poor can be bad they can also be good. Sometimes the poor are the most content. The poor can have no money but still have God. And some rich can have all the money but could use it to give to others.